• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yeraldin1234
  • hace 8 años

me pueden escribir como se le este texto en ingles:
scouting gives young people the oppotunity to have fun and improve . their life skills. they train in physical activities, such as climbing, hiking,camping and water sportsbut they also learn social akills,and take partin activites which help them to develop spiritually and intellectually. being a scout or a girl guide is about being a leader in the modern world


Respuesta dada por: cristalgem08


Haré la pronunciación de este texto, por escrito :

Escouting guibs young pipol da oportuniti


Tu jaf fan and improf. Deir laif skills. Dei trein in fisical activitis, sach as clainbing. Haikin, campin an wader esporst bat dei olso lern soshial a kills, an teik partin activitis which jelp tem tu divelo espirituali an intelectualy bileng a escout or a ger gai is abaut bileng a lidert in da modern world...

Ok, espero te AYUDE xd

cristalgem08: me divertí :'). xd
yeraldin1234: gracias me sirvió mucho
Respuesta dada por: jadrian23



Oye Mario team

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