• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Estalxn
  • hace 8 años

una oracion con cada verbo ayuda ??​



Respuesta dada por: nirvana6238


.We are going to buy at the store.

.they run on the beach.

.Make sure to dice the potatoes before adding them to the soup.

. Maria's hand hurt from writing so much at school.

.directing is complicated.

. To understand the teacher is difficult.

.studying is boring.

. I would like to fly like a butterfly.

.Take is for you.

.I have to participate more in classes.

.I have to receive a letter.

. I have to win a soda.

.Begin again.

.Record unforgettable memories.

.if I fall I start again.

. Talking to my crush scares me.

. I like reading books.

espero que te ayude :D

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