• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: mariapiedad28
  • hace 8 años

10 oraciones en ingles yes/no question en pasado continuo que se respondan con las dos (yes y no)


Respuesta dada por: valeriaarmenta


Do you like this shirt? / ¿Te gusta esta camisa?

Does he play the piano? / ¿Toca el piano?

Did you see the movie? / ¿Viste la película?

Did I do something wrong? / ¿Hice algo malo?

Do they always come here? / ¿Siempre vienen aquí?

Does Sarah know the address? / ¿Sarah conoce la dirección

Are you happy? / ¿Eres feliz?

Is she at home? / ¿Está ella en casa?

Was the party a lot of fun? / ¿Fue muy divertida la fiesta?

Were you sure about the answer? / ¿Estabas seguro de la respuesta?

Were they ready for the tripo? / ¿Estaban listos para el viaje?

Am I too short? / ¿Soy demasiado bajo?

Was the hotel nice? / ¿Era agradable el hotel?


jenferho: es en pasado continuo
Respuesta dada por: jenferho


pasado continuo lleva la forma del verbo to be en pasado (was o were) y el verbo principal en gerundio (ing)


Were you watching the match yesterday?

yes, I was

no, I wasn't

Was Helen studying math?

yes, she was

no, she wasn't

Was your dog sleeping on the sofa?

yes, It was

No , It wasn't

Were they listen rock music?

yes, they were

yes, they weren't

Were you drinking wine?

Yes, I was

no, I wasn't

Was your mom cooking lasagna?

yes, she was

no, she wasn't

Was your dad working last month?

yes, he was

no, he wasn't

Were you buying some candies?

yes, I was

no, I wasn't

Was Diana singing well?

yes, she was

no, she wasn't

Were your parents visiting to Peter?

yes, they were

no,they weren't

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