• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: salome145ruiz145
  • hace 8 años

un párrafo en ingles usando el gerundio y el infinitivo en ingles maximo 15 lineas por fa


Respuesta dada por: Emily14ct


Pollution as a whole breaks down those behaviors focused on including objects or substances in environments to which they do not belong and which, by themselves, leave a damage that intensifies progressively; depending on the polluting nature it contains with respect to the habitat in which it is found. Pollution is nothing more than the inclusion of solid elements or any type of substance within an environment to which it does not belong; covering mainly the environment. When talking about pollution, what are components that are not suitable for use within specific ecosystems are addressed; what influences in the medium and long term in the deterioration of the area and even in the life of the living beings that inhabit it.

Explicación: el gerundio es el "ing" y el infinitivo es el "to"



To work

To play  




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