• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: pulga12278
  • hace 8 años

Complete using the correct form of the Present Continuous using lower case letter (minusculas) and no contractions

You ................................(shake) the bottle

Complete using the correct form of the Present Continuous using lower case letter (minusculas) and no contractions

I ................................(come) home

Complete using the correct form of the Present Continuous using lower case letter (minusculas) and no contractions

Caroline ................................(live) in Manhatam

Complete using the correct form of the Present Continuous using lower case letter (minusculas) and no contractions

tatiana ................................(tie) her shoes

Complete using the correct form of the Present Continuous using lower case letter (minusculas) and no contractions

Edwin ................................(not/cut) the flowers

ayuda porfavor es urgente es un semestral


Respuesta dada por: daniale0526


I am coming home

Caroline is leaving in Manhattan.

Tatiana is tying her shoes

Edwin is not cutting the flowers.

Suerte :)

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