• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Anónimo
  • hace 8 años

2 write all the verbs you find in the past simple tense . Which of them are regular ?Which are irregular?Write the infinitive of the irregular verbs:


Now read the text and complete the notes.

the Vikings were__________and ______________ a pirates b. Sallors .C. Farmers
In Winter

▪ O men .........................................m

O Women ...................... and.............

Their favourite god was...................

▪...........................wa the capital of their kingdom.

The name of the museum in york is............................

Ayuda para mañana es xfiii



Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

Respuestas en negrita:

2 Write all the verbs you find in the past simple tense.

Which of them are regular? Which are irregular?

Write the infinitive of the irregular verbs:

sailed, regular

attacked, regular

stole, irregular, to steal  

started, regular

settled, regular

crossed, regular

arrived, regular

discovered, regular

travelled, regular

were, irregular, to be

used, regular

stayed, regular

made, irregular, to make

liked, regular  

decorated, regular

gave, irregular, to give

cooked, regular  

believed, regular  

captured, regular  

called, regular

found, irregular, to find

3 Now read the text and complete the notes.

▪The Vikings were sailors and farmers.

▪In Winter men made swords to use them in battles.

▪Women cooked food and made clothes, shoes and jewellery.

▪Their favourite god was Odin, the god of the dead.

Jorvik was the capital of their kingdom.

▪The name of the museum in York is Jorvik Viking Centre.

\textit{\textbf{Michael Spymore}}

Anónimo: Graciiiaaas
Anónimo: me sirviio mucho
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