• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: gcamilob27
  • hace 8 años

Ayudame a transformar esas oraciones a reported speech
1. Paul: I learn´t english when i live in london
2. My mother: I am making dinner
3. The Girls: we are thirsty
4. The boy: we were exhausted during the football match
5. Molly: I am so sorry for not helping you
6. My father: I worked hard when I was a boy
7. Gina: I flew to Bogota yesterday
8. My grandpa: I have visited a lot of countries

porfavor ayudarme y le doy 10 puntos


Respuesta dada por: gingermaniax6

Respuesta: 1. Paul said that he learned English when he lived in London.

2. Mother said that she is making dinner.

3. The girls are thirsty

4. The boy was exhausted during the football match.

5. Molly said that she is sorry for not helping you.

6. Father worked hard when he was a boy.

7. Gina said she flew to Bogota yesterday.

8. Grandpa stated that he has visited a lot of countries.

Espero que te ayude por favor ayúdame con la mía.

¿Cómo la historia o personajes muestran temas y valores que observamos en la actualidad?

gcamilob27: como asi no entendi la pregunta men?
gingermaniax6: Has leído o visto Romeo y Julieta?
gcamilob27: noo lo he visto y leido tampoco men
gingermaniax6: Ah pues está bien.
gcamilob27: si men sorry
gingermaniax6: Nah nada de que lamentarse ya lo hice.
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