• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: guadavargasg12
  • hace 8 años

First, Harry often gets up at 8:40 and he has breakfast, which consists of black coffee and an orange juice. later, he goes to the studio to compose music and he goes for a walk with his car around the city.
Then, he always at 13:20 has lunch with his boyfriend and sometimes he takes his boyfriend for a walk in the park with his dogs.
After that, he returns to his house and plays with the playstation.
finally, he dines and uses the cell phone, he goes to bed at 00:45.
On weekends he invites his friends to his house to play or have a party.

esta "daily routine" esta bien?


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo



Boyfriend es novio

girlfriend es  novia

No está tan mal, pero voy a corregir algunas cosas.  No se baña?

Deberías agregar, que se baña, se cepilla, se viste, desayuna y luego hace las actividades cotidianas.  Voy a gregar eso.

Harry often gets up at 8:40.   Then he brushes his teeth and takes a shower.

After that, he gets dressed and has a cup of black coffee, and orange juice for breakfast.  

Then he goes to the studio to compose some music.  After that, he drives his car  around the city to relax.  At 12:30 he has lunch with his girlfriend.  He sometimes walks the dogs in the park with his girlfriend after lunch.

He returns home and plays with his playstation for a while. Later, he uses his cellphone and has dinner around 7:00 p.m.

Finally, He goes to bed at 00:45.

On weekends, he invites his friends to his house to play some video games, or to have a party.

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