Respuesta:A shark is a cartilaginous fish that lives in the sea (although some species also swim in fresh water) and that stands out for its qualities as a predator. Because its skeleton is composed of cartilage, it is part of the chondrichthyan group. ... The largest species is called the whale shark.
Esto es:
The shark is one of the most extraordinary animals on the planet, as it has a large jaw, there are also 360 species of sharks currently recognized alive, distributed in 8 orders; there are aside, 7 extinct orders.
Esto es lo que significa:
El tiburón es uno de los animales mas extraordinarios de el planeta, ya que tiene una gran mandíbula, ademas existen 360 especies de tiburones reconocidas actualmente vivas, distribuidas en 8 órdenes; hay aparte, 7 órdenes extintos