10 oraciones negativas con presente simple con pregunta y una respuesta


Respuesta dada por: mjvo95

1.- Doesn't she go to school every day?

No, she doesn't go to school every day

2.- Don't you drink coffee in the morning?

No, I don't drink coffee in the morning.

3.- Doesn't he work with her father?

He, doesn't work whith his father, his working by himself

4.- Doesn't Luis like to play the guitar?

He, doesn't he likes to play piano.

5.- Doesn't Alicia have two kids?

No, she doesn't.

6.- Don't you live here?

No, I don't, I live two blocks down there.

7.- Don't you want to learn to play the piano?

No, I rather play the guitar.

8.- Doesn't Carl lives with his parents?

No, he moved by himself last year.

9.- Doesn't he works out every day?

No, he works out on weekends only.

10.- Don't you watch TV every night?

No, at night I prefer to read a book.

Presente Simple: Se utiliza para describir acciones que siempre suceden, se debe tener en cuenta que para tercera persona se le debe agregar una "s" al final o "es" en caso de que termine en  o, s, sh, ch, x o z

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