• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: shido
  • hace 10 años

10 oraciones de must y mast not plis ayudenme porfa xD


Respuesta dada por: bbygirl19

she must be fun to be around.
I must go to school.

I must pay attention in class

you must pay for the food

she must go home

he must learn something

they must read out loud.

we must go to the hospital

our cats must learn to de tricks

we must be faster

I mustn't be rude

you mustn't be mean

she mustn't come late

he mustn't play around

we mustn't break the vase

she mustn't play around

he mustn't be so rude to her

they mustn't be so loud

we mustn't run in the hall

the dog mustn't behave bad

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