Last week my mother was going to the market while i was staying at home. When he came back she told me that while she was walking, a burglar tried to grab her purse. In that moment a police,who was walking near her, saw
what was happening so he runned and capture the burglar.The man tried to escape,but the police , while that was happenin, called another police that was across the street. The other police came near my mother,while she was walking
and told her not to go.When they were arresting the man, my mother told the policemen that she was going to come to the house because it was very late,but they told her that she must wait a moment because the patrol car was arriving. When the car arrived they told her that they were keeping an eye on the man , because he was beeing followed while he was walking in the street because they knew he was a burglar.
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Por definición, una anécdota es un relato breve de un
acontecimiento extraño, curioso o divertido que por lo general le ocurrió a la
persona que lo cuenta. En este caso, al momento de escribir una anécdota en
inglés, es necesario utilizar el tiempo verbal pasado simple o pasado continuo.
A continuación, te contaré una anécdota en inglés sobre cuando gané un
campeonato de baseball.
It was
summer 2004. I was 12 years old and I was the catcher of my High School’s
baseball team. I had played baseball for around 4 years and was good, but my
team never won any prize, and I didn’t win any individual prize either.
However, that year (2004) felt quite different. During the try outs, our team
performed excellent, we had an awesome batting average and won most of the games.
We made it to the playoffs and after very difficult games we reached the final.
During all of those games, I had awesome performances, not only as a catcher
but also as a batter, that’s why during the final game, in which we won the
championship, I was awarded with the Most Valuable Player award, which is one
of the most amazing things have ever happened to me.