Nesesito por favor que me manden 20 formas imperativas en forma afirmativa... Y 20 formas imperativas en forma negativa... Muchas gracias
Explicación: Las oraciones imperativas dan una orden o un mandato.
Inician con un verbo.
Las negativas igualmente dan una orden o un mandato, solo que en forma negativa. Don´t do that. = No hagas eso. Pueden llevar igualmente un signo de exclamación al final : Don´t do that! = ¡ No hagas eso!
1. Study hard.
2. Come to my party.
3. Bring your notebook tomorrow.
4. Do your homework.
5. Sing that song.
6. Get up early every day.
7. Clean your room.
8. Wash the dishes.
9. Stop talking !
10. Stand up!
11. Hurry up !
12. Learn a new language.
13. Close your eyes.
14. Give Janeth your email.
15. Forget what she said.
16. Have a good day!
17. Erase the board, please.
18. Open your books.
19. Send your homework online.
20. Be careful!
Negative Imperatives
1. Don´t cross the street.
2. Don´t forget to bring your homework tomorrow.
3. Don´t talk in class.
4. Don´t be shy.
5. Don´t sit here!
6. Don´t move!
7. Don´t be late.
8. Don´t put the basket on the floor.
9. Don´t use your cellphone in class.
10. Don´t tell her!
11. Don´t smoke here, please.
12. Don´t cover your face.
13. Don´t laugh so loud, please.
14. Don´t bother me.
15. Don´t play on the computer.
16. Don´t lend him money.
17. Don´t feed the animals, please.
18. Don´t enter here.
19. Don´t follow him on Instagram!
20. Don´t cry !