Explicacion en ingles Sobre el sistema solar y sus planetas.
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The solar system consists of the Sun, a family of 8 planets, 178 moons, asteroids and comets, our Solar System is home to light, heat and life. Planets, asteroids and comets travel around the Sun, the center of our Solar System. The Solar System has an elliptical or egg shape, and is part of a galaxy known as the Milky Way. The inner Solar System is formed by the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. The planets of the outer solar system are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Many astronomers believe that the Solar System was formed 4,500 million years ago. The 'Big Bang', a huge explosion that caused stars, comets, asteroids and planets to take shape.
The solar system is the planetary system in which the Earth and other astronomical objects are found to revolve directly or indirectly in an orbit around a single star known as the Sun.1
The star concentrates 99.75% of the mass of the solar system, 2 3 4 and most of the rest of the mass is concentrated in eight planets whose orbits are practically circular and pass through an almost flat disk called the ecliptic plane. .5 The four closest planets, considerably smaller Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, also known as the terrestrial planets, are composed mainly of rock and metal.6 7 While the four furthest, called gaseous giants or "Jovian planets", more massive than terrestrial ones, are composed of ice and gases. The two largest, Jupiter and Saturn, are composed mainly of helium and hydrogen. Uranus and Neptune, called frozen giants, are mostly made up of frozen water, ammonia and methane.8
Artistic conception of a protoplanetary disk.
The Sun is the only celestial body in the solar system that emits its own light, 9 due to the thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen and its transformation into helium in its nucleus.10 The solar system was formed about 4600 million years ago11 12 13 From the collapse of a molecular cloud. The residual material originated a protoplanetary circumstellar disk in which the physical processes that led to the formation of the planets occurred.9 The solar system is currently located in the Interstellar Local cloud that is in the Local Bubble of the Orion arm , of the Milky Way spiral galaxy, about 28,000 light years from the center of it.
This is the planet that is closest to the Sun, which makes it difficult to observe, except for two hours after sunset or before its departure. The orbit of this planet around the Sun is quite curious, since it is more inclined with respect to the plane of the ecliptic than the rest of the planets. Mercury is so close to the Sun that it receives six times more solar radiation than the one that reaches us. Its surface, like that of the Moon, is full of craters, which are also the product of the impact of meteorites of various sizes, from the time of the formation of the planets. These craters have been preserved intact since those years, only because Mercury has no atmosphere.
Venus is the planet closest to Earth, and that is why we can often see it in the sky as a very bright star. Moreover, because of its size and distance from the Sun it is very similar to ours; even for many years it was thought that there could be as much life in it as on Earth. It has been proven that the temperature of its surface reaches 460 ° C, product of its atmosphere, which is very dense. Sunlight can penetrate it and heat its surface, but the heat is not able to escape through the atmosphere, being always trapped.
The earth
We finally reach our planet. We know very well how it is inside, but we have never been able to see it from space with our own eyes, except astronauts when they have gone to missions in space.
The Earth is the only planet that has water in liquid form, giving it an intense blue color; It is also found in the clouds of the atmosphere, although in the form of ice crystals. Another important characteristic is its atmosphere that, unlike Venus or Mars, has very little carbon dioxide.
This is one of the planets most known to all of us. Not only because of its red color, but also because of the great curiosity it has caused throughout the world, to where many space probes have been sent that seek to study it. In addition, we have always believed that aliens would come from Mars. Simple assumptions.
This is the largest planet in the Solar System. Its size is approximately ten times the size of our planet and it has a ring. It has such a large gravitational force that it is able to affect the movement of the rest and even remove comets from their orbits.
Much of it is formed by hydrogen in a liquid state, except near the visible surface, where the pressure is lower and hydrogen can be seen as gas. It is covered with dense clouds in a very thick atmosphere that contains approximately 88 percent molecular hydrogen gas and 11 percent helium gas. Its temperature can reach 123 ° C below zero, so life in it is impossible; but the more it descends into the interior of its clouds, the more it heats up, reaching temperatures five times higher than on Earth.