• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: yulianagarcia2005
  • hace 8 años

hola necesito un favor me pusieron una tarea sobre
20 oraciones sobre WH question y 20 con posesivo adjetive


Respuesta dada por: cesararroyo1919


Which one of these cars is the fastest? (¿Cuál de estos automóviles es el más rápido?)

Which was the book you read last week? (¿Cuál era el libro que leíste la semana pasada?)

Which was the lamp you broke? (¿Cuál era la lámpara que rompiste?)

Which one of these gloves is the most expensive? (¿Cuál de estos guantes es el más caro?)

In which row did she sit? (¿En cuál fila se sentó?)

Which one of these subjects are you going to select? (¿Cuál de estos temas vas a elegir?)

Which month is the coldest? (¿Cuál mes es el más frío?)

Which one is yours? (¿Cuál es tuyo?)

Which one of those restaurants is cheaper? (¿Cuál de aquellos restaurantes es más barato?)

Which color do you like, blue or red? (¿Cuál color te gusta, azul o rojo?)

What time does she arrive from school? (¿A qué hora llega de la escuela?)

What time is it? (¿Qué hora es?)

What is your name? (¿Cuál es tu nombre?)

What is she doing? (¿Qué está haciendo?)

What is your phone number? (¿Cuál es tu número telefónico?)

What is your address? (¿Cuál es tu dirección?)

What is your surname? (¿Cuál es tu apellido?)

What is your marital status? (¿Cuál es su estado civil?)

What did you do yesterday? (¿Qué hiciste ayer?)

What is that? (¿Qué es eso?)

What do you like? (¿Qué te gusta?)

What would you like to eat? (¿Qué te gustaría comer?)

What is the weather like? (¿Cómo está el clima?)

What are you going to do tomorrow? (¿Qué vas a hacer mañana?)

What did you say? (¿Qué dijiste?)

What is your favorite singer? (¿Cuál es tu cantante favorito?)

What are they planning? (¿Qué están planeando?)

What did you do last weekend? (¿Qué hiciste el fin de semana pasado?)

What do you think about it? (¿Qué piensas al respecto?)

What can you do to solve the problem? (¿Qué puedes hacer para resolver el problema?)

Why do you think I did that? (¿Por qué piensas que hice eso?).

Who was that person you were talking to? (¿Quién era la persona con la que hablabas?

What are you talking about? (¿De qué estás hablando?)-

Which was that book you recommended? (¿Cuál es el libro que recomendaste?).

When are you going to come for a visit? (¿Cuándo vas a venir a visitar?).

Where was that place we went last week? (¿Dónde está ese lugar al que fuimos la semana pasada?).

Why are you telling me this? (¿Por qué me estás diciendo esto?).

When is our next appointment? (¿Cuándo es nuestra próxima cita?).

What is wrong with you? (¿Qué pasa contigo?).

Who told you that? (¿Quién te dijo eso?).

Whom do you love? (¿A quién amas?)

Whose is this notebook? (¿De quién es este cuaderno?)

Where did you lost your glasses? (¿Dónde perdiste tus anteojos?)

When are we gonna meet again? (¿Cuándo nos reuniremos de nuevo?).

Which color do you prefer? (¿Qué color prefieres?)

Where is your family? (¿Dónde está tu familia?).

Why do you work on Sundays? (¿Por qué trabajas los domingos?)

When is your birthday? (¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños?)

When will you finish your homework? (¿Cuándo vas a terminar tu tarea?)

Who wrote “Don Quijote”? (¿Quién escribió “Don Quijote”)

How do you know today is my birthday? (¿Cómo sabes que hoy es mi cumpleaños?)

How many tomatoes do you need? (¿Cuántos tomates necesitas?)

How much does it cost? (¿Cuánto cuesta?)

Whom did you ask for permission? (¿A quién le pediste permiso?

Which one is your favorite? (¿Cuál es tu favorito/a?).

How is everything going? (¿Cómo va todo?).

How many times have I told you this? (¿Cuántas veces te he dicho esto?).

What do you think about me? (¿Qué piensas de mí?).

Where is the supermarket? (¿Dónde está el supermercado?).

How can I get to the University? (¿Cómo puedo llegar a la Universidad?).

posesive adjective

My guitar

Your clothes are already planned and folded over your bed.

My tools you share.

Our pet is in the vet.

Your things leave them in that room.

Our objectives are already defined.

Please, do not touch your papers.

Your work is excellent.

Our house is the most beautiful.

Your games are the most fun.

My belongings must be protected.

My red shoes are beautiful.

I do not think those are my sandals.

His birthday gift was a success.

Your order is already on the way.

Your problems do not bother me.

My friends are the best.

Our cards are good for many games.

I think it's his drawings.

Is yours this shirt?

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