• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: martarr07
  • hace 8 años

Prevenir enfermedades en 60 palabras


Respuesta dada por: itzpapitas


How to prevent diseases.

Take care of our health is very important, our life and wellness depend on it. Here some aspects to consider if we want to prevent dangerous diseases:

•    People often forget to have their vaccinations completed, so I recommend going to the doctor and make a checkup.

•    Wash our hands constantly

•    Prevent to not eat junk food, but healthy.

•    So I recommend making at least a checkup per year to prevent diseases.


Quería extenderme más, pero tu límite de 60 palabras me lo prohibió :(. Espero te sirva, cualquier cosa me dices y te ayudo :D

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