• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: olivieritomas7
  • hace 8 años

Necesito un dialogo de 12 renglones utilizando was were


Respuesta dada por: Yira1Jenny

"I told you I was there" I said to may brother.

"Where were you?" he asked.

"I was at the beach"

"What were you doing there?" he asked again.

"I was swimming" I answered. "And where were you?"

"I was at the park" he answered.

"Why were you at the park?"

"I was playing"

"What were you playing?"

"I was playing hide and seek with my friends"

"Were your friends there too?"

"Yes, they were at the park with me" said my brother.

olivieritomas7: gracias genio ;)
olivieritomas7: genio/a :)
Yira1Jenny: De nada, que te vaya bien con la tarea :)
Respuesta dada por: Santy2006M




=hello maria, how are you?

-i'm fine thank you, and you?, hey i saw that you were in mexico, how was your expirience?

=yes? well it was incredibble, i went to acapulco and saw that beatiful sea

-really? wow, and how was the food in there?

=hummm... the food wasn't really good, because everything had chili so iugh.

-iugh, yeah that is not delicious.

=yes, but the people in there were really nice with me, because they were nice and full of emotions.

-wow, i want to go there.

=yes? i recommend you go to mexico, good luck, bye.

-oh thank you, bye.

Santy2006M: perdon, la traduccion=
Santy2006M: = hola maria como estas
-Estoy bien, gracias, ¿y tú? Oye, vi que estabas en México, ¿cómo fue tu experiencia?
= si? Bueno, fue increíble, fui a Acapulco y vi ese hermoso mar.
-¿De Verdad? wow, y como estuvo la comida ahí?
= hummm ... la comida no era muy buena, porque todo tenía chili y mucho.
Santy2006M: - risa, si eso no es delicioso.
= sí, pero la gente de allí fue muy amable conmigo, porque era agradable y estaba llena de emociones.
-wow, quiero ir allí.
= si? Te recomiendo que vayas a mexico, buena suerte, adios.
-oh gracias, adios.
olivieritomas7: gracias a vos tambien :))
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