Necesito 30 preguntas informativas con sus respuestas completa para ingles y en presente simple por favor ayuda
what is your name? my name is Maria.
how old are you? I´m sixteen.
where are you study? I´m study in a big school.
why you don´t eat chicken? because i´m vegetarian.
when is your birthdate? on august the first.
where do you live? I live in Sinaloa.
who is your sister? my sister is Ana.
what type of music do you like? I like rap, hip-hop and blues.
who is in the house? my mother is in the house.
how do you feel? I´m feel tired and hungry.
why you don´t did the cake? because I don´t have flour.
when is the concert? I´ts tomorrow in the morning.
what type of food you eats? all, but specially pastas.
who is the Maria´s boyfriend? Is Ramon.
what sports you practice? soccer, softball, tennis and beisball.
where are you now? I´m in the shopping mall.
who is she? she is my best friend?
what are you doing? I´m doing my homeworks.
what is your last name ? my last name is Lopez.
why are you come late to the class? because my mom is sick.
where is your classroom? my classroom is next to the bathrooms.
what is your favorite food? my favorite food is the sushi?
what are they going to eat? they are going to eat pizza.
when will my mom come back? she will come the next week.
who is your boss? my boss is Dave.
where are you from? I´m from in Mexico
what time is it? It´s twelve o´clock.
who are they? they are my teachers from the school.
what is your favorite animal? my favorite animal is the dolphin.
when is your mother´s birthdate? is on december the third
espero y te sirvan
A continuación se presentan 30 preguntas informativas con sus respuestas en el tiempo verbal presente simple:
- What is this? This is a bird.
- What do you do in your free time? I read a book in my free time.
- Where do you go? I go to the beach.
- Who do you go out with? I go out with Samuel.
- What does she read? She reads a romantic´s book.
- When does she go out? She goes out at 6 o’clock
- What is the child’s name? The child’s name is Jose Carlos.
- When is your birthday? My birthday is on May 14.
- Who's your teacher? My teacher is Octavio.
- What classes do you participate in? I participate in the English class.
- How old are you? I'm 15 years old.
- Where are you from? I am from Spain.
- How often does he eat out? He eats out every day.
- Where do they go on Sundays? They go to the church on Sundays.
- What are your parent's names? My parents are called Maria and Alberto.
- What sign are you? My sign is Taurus.
- What do you study? I study psychology.
- How do you go to work? I go to work by train.
- What do you like to do at night? I like to watch television.
- What color is the sky? The sky is blue.
- Who's that Girl? That girl is my sister.
- Where is your book? My book is on the table.
- How are you? I am fine.
- What TV show do you watch? I watch the news.
- What is your dog's name? My dog is called Princess.
- Where is your cell phone? My cell phone is in my room.
- What is your favorite sport? My favorite sport is swimming.
- When you go to work? I go to work all week.
- What vegetables do you like to eat? I like to eat lettuce and tomatoes.
- How often do you bathe? I take a bath every day.
¿Qué son las preguntas informativas o abiertas en inglés?
Son aquellas que no se contestan con un simple sí o no, sino que requieren más información. Se les llama también wh- questions porque la mayoría comienzan con who, what, when, where, why, which o whose. Para escribir preguntas informativas en presente simple se debe seguir la siguiente estructura:
Wh-word + Aux Do/Does + sujeto + verbo + complemento +?
También, se pueden hacer preguntas informativas con el verbo to be con la siguiente estructura:
Wh- word + verbo to be + sujeto + complemento +?
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