• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Wasabi7u7
  • hace 8 años



Wasabi7u7: jaja ok
ivannitacastro: mala idea no sabe ingles :v
ivannitacastro: y se te la hago mi mama me va a regañar por no hacer mi tarea ;v
ivannitacastro: tratare
Wasabi7u7: ok :v
Wasabi7u7: qué grado sos?
ivannitacastro: 5 :v de primaria pero siempre saco 10 en ingles :v
Wasabi7u7: aaa pos entonces hágamela plis que ya casi me voy :0
ivannitacastro: amiga ya casi te la terminaba pero mi hermano esta convulcionando me tengo que ir al hospita ;c
Wasabi7u7: .-.


Respuesta dada por: MichaelSpymore1

1- Translate both column A and B, then make sentences with be going to, giving a solution to the situation expressed in column A.


A0. Mr Atkins is hot.  He is going to go swimming.

Translation: Mr Atkins tiene calor. Va a nadar.

A1. I am very thirsty. I am going to have a glass of water.

Translation: Estoy sediento. Voy a tomar un vaso de agua.

A2. Polly's tired.  She is going to go to bed early.

Translation: Polly está cansada. Va a irse a la cama temprano.

A3. My brother is ill.  He is going to take some tablets.

Translation: Mi hermano está enfermo. El va a tomar pastillas.

A4. We are bored. We are going to watch television.

Translation: Estamos aburridos. Vamos a ver la televisión.

A5. They are hungry. They are going to make a sandwich.

Translation: Ellos tienen hambre. Van a prepararse un bocadillo.

A6. I am cold. I am going to have a hot bath.

Translation: Tengo frío. Voy a tomar un baño caliente.

A7. My sister and I are wet. We are going to change our clothes.

Translation: Mi hermana y yo estamos mojados. vamos a cambiarnos de ropa.

A8. Tom can't do his homework. He is going to ask his dad for help.

Translation: Tom no puede hacer su tarea. El va a pedir ayuda a su padre.

A9. It's raining.  I am going to stay at home.

Translation: Está lloviendo. Me voy a quedar en casa.

A10. It's loud. Your father can't hear. He is going to turn down the radio.

Translation: Hay ruido. Tu padre no puede oir. Va a apagar la radio.

A11. My leg is broken. I am going to miss the next football match.

Translation: Mi pierna está rota. Me voy a perder el próximo partido de fútbol.

A12. Beth can't find Rover. She is going to look for him in the garden.

Translation: Beth no encuentra a Rover. Va a buscarle en el jardín.

A13. My uncle is in hospital. I am going to visit him.

Translation: Mi tío está en el hospital. Voy a visitarle.

A14. I've got a tootache. I am going to see my dentist.

Translation: Me duelen los dientes. Voy a ver a mi dentista.

A15. It's our Mum's birthday. We are going to buy her a present.

Translation: Es el cumpleaños de nuestra mamá. Vamos a comprarle un regalo.

\textbf{Michael Spymore}

Wasabi7u7: necesito tu ayuda otra vez si? en inglés
MichaelSpymore1: You're welcome
Wasabi7u7: I need you to help me in English again
MichaelSpymore1: Have you already posted it?
Wasabi7u7: yes :)
MichaelSpymore1: Have you read my messages? You can answer me the link in my mailbox.
Respuesta dada por: lindsayfernandezsarr

Respuesta:MichaelSpymore1Gran Maestro

1- Translate both column A and B, then make sentences with be going to, giving a solution to the situation expressed in column A.


A0. Mr Atkins is hot.  He is going to go swimming.

Translation: Mr Atkins tiene calor. Va a nadar.

A1. I am very thirsty. I am going to have a glass of water.

Translation: Estoy sediento. Voy a tomar un vaso de agua.

A2. Polly's tired.  She is going to go to bed early.

Translation: Polly está cansada. Va a irse a la cama temprano.

A3. My brother is ill.  He is going to take some tablets.

Translation: Mi hermano está enfermo. El va a tomar pastillas.

A4. We are bored. We are going to watch television.

Translation: Estamos aburridos. Vamos a ver la televisión.

A5. They are hungry. They are going to make a sandwich.

Translation: Ellos tienen hambre. Van a prepararse un bocadillo.

A6. I am cold. I am going to have a hot bath.

Translation: Tengo frío. Voy a tomar un baño caliente.

A7. My sister and I are wet. We are going to change our clothes.

Translation: Mi hermana y yo estamos mojados. vamos a cambiarnos de ropa.

A8. Tom can't do his homework. He is going to ask his dad for help.

Translation: Tom no puede hacer su tarea. El va a pedir ayuda a su padre.

A9. It's raining.  I am going to stay at home.

Translation: Está lloviendo. Me voy a quedar en casa.

A10. It's loud. Your father can't hear. He is going to turn down the radio.

Translation: Hay ruido. Tu padre no puede oir. Va a apagar la radio.

A11. My leg is broken. I am going to miss the next football match.

Translation: Mi pierna está rota. Me voy a perder el próximo partido de fútbol.

A12. Beth can't find Rover. She is going to look for him in the garden.

Translation: Beth no encuentra a Rover. Va a buscarle en el jardín.

A13. My uncle is in hospital. I am going to visit him.

Translation: Mi tío está en el hospital. Voy a visitarle.

A14. I've got a tootache. I am going to see my dentist.

Translation: Me duelen los dientes. Voy a ver a mi dentista.

A15. It's our Mum's birthday. We are going to buy her a present.

Translation: Es el cumpleaños de nuestra mamá. Vamos a comprarle un regalo.

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You're welcome

I need you to help me in English again

Have you already posted it?

yes :)

Have you read my messages? You can answer me the link in my mailbox.

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