• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ayudenaeduardo
  • hace 8 años

me ayudan a hacer una pequeña historia en ingles porfa


Respuesta dada por: megalidtipulapehmo7



There was once an elephant that wanted to be a photographer. His friends laughed whenever they heard him say that:

- What nonsense - some said - there are no cameras for elephants!

- What a waste of time, the others said, if there's nothing to photograph here ...

But the elephant was still with its illusion, and little by little it was gathering pieces and apparatuses with which to make a great camera of photos. He had to do practically everything: from a button that was pressed with the trunk, to a target the size of an elephant's eye, and finally a bunch of irons to hang the camera over his head.

So once finished, he was able to make his first pictures, but his elephant camera was so big and strange that a great and ridiculous mask appeared, and many laughed so much when they saw him appear, that the elephant began to think about abandoning his dream. To make matters worse, those who said there was nothing to photograph in that place seemed right ...

But it was not like that. It turned out that the look of the elephant with his camera was so funny, that no one could stop laughing at seeing him, and using a lot of good humor, the elephant got hilarious and incredible pictures of all the animals, always happy and happy, even the bad-tempered rhino! in this way he became the official photographer of the savanna, and from all parts the animals came to take a smiling photo for the passport to the zoo.

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