me podrian ayudar porfavor 10 oraciones en presente simple forma afirmativa y trasladar las oraciones anteriores a las formas interrogativa y negativa
1.-She reads the newspaper every day.
She doesn´t read the newspaper every day.
Does she read the newspaper every day?
2.-Mr. Green works with my uncle.
Mr. Green doesn´t work with my uncle
Does Mr. Green work with my uncle?
3.-He lives in Boston.
He doesn´t live in Boston-
Does he live in Boston?
4.-She plays the piano every afternoon.
She doens´t play the piano every day.
Does she play the piano every day?
5.- They play chess every Saturday.
They don´t play chess every Saturday.
Do they play chess every Saturday?
6.-The bus stops at the corner.
The bus doesn´t stop at the corner.
Does it (the bus) stop at the corner?
7.-The employee fixes the mistake.
The employee doesn´t fix the mistake
Does the employee fix the mistake?
8.-They sell books there.
They don´t sell books there
Do they sell books there?
9.-You work very hard.
You don´t work very hard
Do you work very hard?
10.-She likes to sit in the sun.
She doesn´t like to sit in the sun.
Does she like to sit in the sun?