• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jheider45
  • hace 9 años

diez frases afirmativas utilizando el presente simple que realiza mi ama diariamente

yerayrodriguezmedina: Con tu ama te refieres a my mother?


Respuesta dada por: yerayrodriguezmedina

Espero que te sirva!

She wakes up at 6 o'clock

She takes a shower

She brushes her hair

She gets dress

She takes breakfast

She goes to work

She washes the dishes

She cleans the house

She takes the dog for a walk

She goes to the bed at 10:00 pm

Respuesta dada por: adrianariveros

RespuEspero que te sirva!

She wakes up at 6 o'clock

She takes a shower

She brushes her hair

She gets dress

She takes breakfast

She goes to work

She washes the dishes

She cleans the house

She takes the dog for a walk

She goes to the bed at 11:00 pm


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