• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ignaportalesp7ilrx
  • hace 8 años

HELP..... ALGUIEN QUE ME AYUDE hacer un WRITTING usando esa lluvias de ideas en past simple and past perfect

Imagine you had a great time last Christmas


-you had a Christmas party in your house

-All you family came

-They brought food

-They brought present for all

-Everything was perfect

-The turkey was in the oven

-You forget about the turkey

-The turkey burnt

-There was a fire in your kitchen

-The prefighters came / you called them

-They put out the fire

-Santa Clause ( you best friend, dressed up like santa) invited all of you over to a actual real dance party at his place


Respuesta dada por: ohohro


Last christmas I had a party in my house, all my family came and everyone brought food and a present. I really think everything was perfect until I forgot the turkey in the oven, I ran to the kitchen, but it was too late, the turkey burnt and everything was on fire. I called the firefighters and they came and put out the fire. My best friend dressed up like Santa and invited all of us to a dance party at his house. At the end everything ends really great. It was a fun Christmas to remember


Sería mejor que le agregues algunos detalles, como relleno o algo

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