• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maryrosa13
  • hace 8 años

hola tengo que hacer una exposición en ingles sobre de la naturaleza​

valentinagonzal4: Y pues en que te podemos ayudar?


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What is nature?

Nature, in its most general meaning, is the set of all the living organisms that make up the physical universe that have been given naturally, without the intervention of man. The modern concept of nature that refers to a whole as a physical universe is recent. It began to be used from the evolution of science and modern research.

The intervention of the human being in nature has generated great problems in nature, seriously affect the lives of beings and as a consequence, ours too. The quality of life decreases and causes serious complications. That is why you have to be aware of the care of the environment and nature.


It is known that if we continue to use the resources of the planet unduly and without conscience, there will come a time when there will be no more available. We can not live without nature because it gives us everything we need to live, so we have to take care of it.

Human nature

When we talk about nature we can also relate it to the human condition, with our essence of living beings. Nature dictates the way we are, what makes us act and be in a certain way. Part of our human nature, for example, is our ability to speak and reason.

This term is also related to our temperament or character, or the physical characteristics of a person. For example, we usually say that a person has an impulsive nature.

This application can be given to animals, such as when we talk about the nature of certain animals is to hunt, for example.

Related concepts


Natural Sciences





Alternative energies

Abiotic factors





Explicación:COOMO TRADUCCION. ¿Qué es la naturaleza?

La naturaleza, en su significado más general, es el conjunto de todos los organismos vivientes que conforman el universo físico que se han dado de manera natural, sin intervención del hombre. El concepto moderno de naturaleza que hace referencia a un todo como universo físico es reciente. Comenzó a utilizarse a partir de la evolución de la ciencia y la investigación moderna.

La intervención del ser humano en la naturaleza ha generado grandes problemas en la naturaleza, afectan gravemente la vida de los seres y a consecuencia de ello, la nuestra también. La calidad de vida disminuye y provoca serias complicaciones. Por eso es que hay que ser conscientes del cuidado del medio ambiente y de la naturaleza.


Es sabido que si seguimos utilizando los recursos del planeta indebidamente y sin conciencia, llegará un momento en que ya no habrá más a disposición. No podemos vivir sin la naturaleza porque ella nos brinda todo lo que necesitamos para vivir, por eso hay que cuidarla.

Naturaleza humana

Cuando hablamos de naturaleza también podemos relacionarlo con la condición humana, con nuestra esencia de seres vivos. La naturaleza dicta el modo en que somos, lo que nos hace actuar y ser de determinada manera. Parte de nuestra naturaleza humana, por ejemplo, es nuestra capacidad de hablar y razonar.

También se relaciona este término con nuestro temperamento o carácter, o las características físicas de una persona. Por ejemplo, solemos decir que una persona tiene una naturaleza impulsiva.

Esta aplicación puede darse a los animales, como por ejemplo cuando hablamos de que la naturaleza de ciertos animales es la de cazar, por ejemplo.

Conceptos relacionados


Ciencias naturales


Medio ambiente



Energías alternativas

Factores abióticos





Respuesta dada por: raqueldanna

Cambiar a españolFrom here we are accustomed to admire the wonders of plants and flowers, we like to interact with domestic animals, the saber as to take care of them, feed them, and protect them, in many cases we are fond

nature generates infinite sensations for example we feel fear of earthquakes, tidal waves, tsunamis, etc.

besides being part of our daily life, this also has the base of the field of study

They have studied the reactions, the elements, they have developed to perfect many areas.

let's talk about some data that science has registered

First, how many species are there in the world?

there are seven points seven million species of animals and have been classified, according to their form, their cell and their type

there are eight points seven types of flora of which six point five million are terrestrial and

two point two million are aquatic

another fact, why are there natural disasters?

What happens in nature?

Natural disasters exist through human action, for example, poor planning, the construction of structures, devices that consume energy and the resource that nature offers us and natural disasters.










last data

How many trees are felled per year?

In total fifteen point are three million trees cut down per year

as a consequence oxygen decreases

and increases carbon dioxide

We can relate to the previous data, by this human action the natural disasters in conclusion

Let's take care of nature, which gives us many sensations and new ways of life but also bring

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