• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: Camii0111
  • hace 8 años

5 dialogos cortos en ingles con dos personas


Respuesta dada por: sebascorrea20



Pierre: Hi, sister. What are you doing?

Coral: Hi, Pierre. I am reading a book that I bought yesterday.

Pierre: What’s the name of the book?

Coral: New Fan by Joseph Alfaro

Pierre: Is he a Chilean writer?

Coral: No, he is from Argentina.

Pierre: What is it about?

Coral: It is about a young boy who wants to be famous but he ends up in jail.

Pierre: Oh, I see. Have you liked it so far?

Coral: I don’t know. It’s been a bit boring, but I’ve heard great comments about it.

Pierre: Look! I bought another book for your birthday.

Coral: Thank you, Pierre. You are the best brother in the world.

Pierre: I know! I have to get back to work; I’ll see you on Friday.

Coral: Bye. Love you.


Receptionist: Good morning. This is the Salt Flats Hotel, how may I help you?

Customer: Good morning. I would like to make a reservation for the last weekend in July.

R: I’m afraid we have very few vacancies for that particular weekend. How many people is the reservation for?

C: Two adults.

R: There is a double room available on the 29th of July, would that suit you?

C: Yes, thank you very much.

R: How long will you be staying?

C: We’ll be staying for two nights.

R: Excellent. What name will the reservation be listed under?

C: Paris Miller.

R: Thank you very much for your reservation. We look forward to seeing you in July.

C: Thank you! Have a nice day.


David is preparing for a trip to England. He phones the San Esteban hotel to reserve a room.  

– San Esteban Hotel, how can we help you?

– Hello! I would like to know the price of a single room, please.

– Thirty [30] pounds per night

– Is breakfast included?

– Yes, breakfast is included.

– Ok, then I want a single room for four [4] nights.

– When would you like your reservation?

– From Tuesday May tenth [10th] to Saturday May fourteenth [14th].

– That will be 120 pounds, under what name should I make this reservation?

– On behalf of David Miller.

– Ok. Your reservation has been made. You can pay upon arrival. See you soon!

– Thank you very much! Bye!

– Bye!


David is at Farringdon and wants to go to Piccadilly Circus to meet up with Nadia.

– Excuse me, could you please tell me how to get to Piccadilly Circus ?

– Of course!

– Take the yellow “Circle Line” in the direction of “King’s Cross St Pancras” and get off at “King’s Cross” station.

– Once there, switch to the blue line called the “Piccadilly Line” towards Heathrow and get off at Piccadilly Circus.

– It’s very easy!

– Thank you!

-You’re welcome!

– OK, I think that I will look at the map.


Alfredo: Hello. My name is Alfredo.

George: Hello Alfredo, I'm George.

George: How can I help you?

Alfredo: Can you tell me where Shinra Factory is?

George: I'm sorry. I have no idea. You're not from here right?

Alfredo: I've just arrived. I'm from Spain.

George: I see. What brings you here to London?

Alfredo: Business.

George: Well, I'm sorry I can't help you with that. Maybe that cop can help you.

Alfredo: I'll go ask him. Thank you.

George: No problem. If you need any help, I'm here every day.

Alfredo: It was nice to meet you. Catch you later

George: See you, and good luck.


Respuesta dada por: segundopch


A: hi, how are you?

B: i am fine

A: you can help me?

B: sorry, i am busy

A: ok,bye

B: bye


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