cuantos huesos tienes las manos y los pies y cuantas costillas tenemos en ingles cada uno de los huesos y su nombre
Respuesta dada por:
We have 27 bones in each hand, and these are divided into three areas: the wrist or carpus, the palm and the phalanges. At the base of the hand, that is, in the wrist or carpus, there are 8 bones distributed in two rows. The bones that are closest to the arm are those that connect with the radius and the ulna.
The human foot and the ankle are a strong and complex mechanical structure that contains 26 bones, 33 joints, and more than 100 muscles, ligaments and tendons. The foot can be subdivided into three parts: hindfoot, middle part and forefoot.
Humans have a total of 24 ribs, 12 on each side.
espero que te sirva xd
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