• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: valkeinhein
  • hace 9 años

escribe 5 oraciones positivas con will
escribe 5 oraciones negativas con will
escribe 5 oraciones interrogatibas con will
escribe 5 oraciones wh word con will


Respuesta dada por: blackhor

I will buy a car soon.

I will make him an offer.

You will stay home today.

She will wait for a couple of hours.

Sarah will choose the cake.

I won’t talk to you again.

Laura won’t be angry.

I won’t be able to do it.

Mary won’t like it.

You won’t come to the party.

Michael won’t be late.

Won’t you ask him?

Will Stella marry him?

Will the show start on time?

Will it be fun?

Won’t it snow?

What will we do in the United States?

What will she buy at the store?

Which shirt are you going to dress in the show?

Where did you buy this bag?

Which is your favorite color?

Respuesta dada por: qichen6247641892004


I will buy a car soon. (Pronto compraré un auto.)

I will make him an offer. (Le haré una propuesta.)

You will stay home today. (Hoy te quedarás en casa.)

You will be home soon. (Pronto llegarás a casa.)

She will wait for a couple of hours. (Ella esperará por un par de horas.)

I won’t talk to you again. (No volveré a hablarte.)

Laura won’t be angry. (Laura no estará enojada.)

I won’t be able to do it. (No seré capaz de hacerlo.)

Mary won’t like it (A Mary no le gustará.)

You won’t come to the party. (No vendrás a la fiesta.)

Won’t you ask him? (¿No le preguntarás?)

Will Stella marry him? (¿Stella se casará con él?)

Will the show start on time? (¿El show comenzará a tiempo?)

Will it be fun? (¿Será divertido?)

Won’t it snow? (¿No nevará?)


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