necesitar to need
mirar to look at
pagar to pay for
llevar to wear; to carry
trabajar to work
llegar to arrive
enseñar to teach
prestar to loan
tomar to take
bajar to lower; to put down
cantar to sing
interesar to interest
tirar to throw
ganar to win; to earn
parar to stop
batear to bat
driblar to dribble
encestar to make a basket (sport)
examinar to examine
recetar to prescribe
tomar el sol to sunbathe
bucear to dive (snorkle)
golpear to hit
transbordar to transfer (transportation)
reservar to reserve
guardar to save
abandonar to abandon; to leave
mandar to order
marcar to mark; to dial a number
buscar to look for
comprar to buy
usar to use
hablar to speak
desear to desire; to want
estudiar to study
escuchar to listen
prestar atención to pay (loan) attention
sacar to get (grades)
bailar to dance
invitar to invite
gustar to please
lanzar to throw
bloquear to block
marcar un tanto to score a point
atrapar to catch
pasar to pass
estornudar to sneeze
guardar cama to stay in bed
nadar to swim
esquiar to ski
practicar to practice
empujar to push
ayudar to help
entrar to enter
comunicarse to communicate
limpiar to clean
pulsar to press (a button)
contestar to answer
caminar to walk
cambiar to change
aterrizar to land
abrochar to buckle; to fasten
odiar to hate
remar to row
despegar to take off into the air
anunciar to announce
olvidar to forget
preguntar to ask a question
leer to read
beber to drink
comprender to understand
correr to run
creer to believe
meter to put; to place
comer to eat
aprender to learn
vender to sell
toser to cough
prender to turn on (a machine)
cumplir...años to turn...years old
escribir to write
recibir to receive
abrir to open
distribuir to distribute
subir to climb; to go up
vivir to live
aburrir to bore
transmitir to send (info. electronically)
asistir to attend
cerrar (ie) to close
comenzar (ie) to begin
empezar (ie) to begin
recomendar (ie) to recommend
entender (ie) to understand
nevar (ie) to snow
pensar (ie) to think; to plan
sentar (ie) to sit
querer (ie) to want; to love
perder (ie) to lose
divertir (ie) to enjoy
mentir (ie) to lie
preferir (ie) to prefer
tener (ie) to have
sentir (ie) to feel
venir (ie) to come
jugar (ue) to play (games and sports)
probar (ue) to try out
sonar (ue) to sound; to ring
contar (ue) to count
volar (ue) to fly
morder (ue) to bite
dormir (ue) to sleep
recordar (ue) to remember
probarse (ue) to try on
descolgar (ue) to pick up (the telephone)
costar (ue) to cost
sobrevolar (ue) to fly over
mover (ue) to move
poder (ue) to be able
volver (ue) to return (a person to a place)
oler (ue) to smell
morir (ue) to die
competir (i) to compete
corregir (i) to correct
pedir (i) to ask for
reír (i) to laugh
repetir (i) to repeat
servir (i) to serve
sonreír (i) to smile
vestir (i) to dress
freír (i) to fry
seguir (i) to follow; to continue
elegir (i) to elect; to choose
decir (i) to say
conseguir (i) to obtain; "to get"
dar to give
ver to see
ir to go
oír to hear
saber to know (information)
caber to fit
caer to fall
introducir to introduce
ser / estar to be
conducir to drive
hacer to do; to make
salir to leave; to exit
conocer to know (people); to meet
poner to put