Dialogo en ingles usando QUESTION TAGS
- Oh Marty, is a beautiful day, isn't it?
- Yes it is Rossana, I'm for going to the park music festival, aren't you?
- I didn't know about it, but why not. Could you tell me how to arrive by metro to the park?
- Of course, it's simple just take the A line until the Madison Av. station, then walk down 3 blocks.
- Thank you for the advice I'll be going.
El question tag es una construcción especial usada en el idioma ingles en forma de una pregunta corta para pedir validación acerca de una oración. Si la oración está escrita en positivo, entonces el question tag debe ir en negativo y viceversa. Es comparable con el uso del ¿no? / ¿verdad? en el idioma español al final de una oración.
-Hey that's mary, isn't she?
- Yes is she, what's she doing here?
- maybe she has got a new job, hasn't she?
-No she hasn't, but let's talk to her.
- Hey mary how are you?
- Hi, it has been a long time, hasn't it?
- Yes it has...
- Mary, it's cold here, isn't it?
- Yes, maybe we can continue our conversation at home.
Espero que te ayude :3