the ladybug: she can fly and is one of the most beautiful and smallest animals in the world
the mosquito: he can turn to take away blood and can annoy people while he eats
the butterfly: she is beautiful has many colors and shapes on her wings she can fly gracefully and bellesa
the worm: he can crawl and if you throw alchol popo
the insect stick: he can camouflage easily and it is very difficult to see
ants: they can weight 10 times their weight and are tiny
hornet: he can sting and makes us feel an indescribable pain
bee: she can create iel but itchy very ugly
caterpillar: it is better known as alicia in the country of wonders but you can crawl up part of your body and then down the front
libelulas: they are good, moving their wings fast, making a noise a little irritating