• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jeandela
  • hace 8 años

ayudenme un texto de 100 palabras en ingles


Respuesta dada por: mariapau29032007

hello my name is "you put your name"

"and you tell your whole story from the time you're 1 year old to the present (you can put it in the google translator)

hola mi nombre es "pones tu nombre"

"y cuenta toda la historia desde que tiene 1 año hasta el presente (puede ponerla en el traductor de Google)

jeandela: muchisimas gracais
jeandela: gracias
mariapau29032007: gracias
Respuesta dada por: esthef101

On this vacation, I first went ten days to a hotel with my family, in the hotel next door was a friend and every day we went out together to the pool, to the beach, etc.

In the hotel there was a buffet where we were going to eat, at night we walked along the seafront while we had an ice cream, some days we went to other beaches that were farther away from the hotel, they had crystal clear water and there were many fish and plants, others We spent the days in the pool which was very large.

jeandela: many thanks
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