Ayuda porfa, ayúdenme con la respuesta de las preguntas ofrezco muchos puntos

1. The reason that trees produce wood is not to support our factories; woody stems evolved to support leaf canopies in the sunlight above their competition. Wood production responds to a complex system of environmental impacts on trees and natural selection has led to the best overall wood structure to support particular species of trees in their ecological strategies.
2.Plants regularly face dry conditions. Not having enough water poses a serious threat to a plant’s ability to grow and develop or even just survive! If plants die, we will not have enough food to eat! How do plants manage to survive during water shortages? They must somehow be able to sense, respond, and adapt to changes in water availability. They do this through a range of techniques that allow for a plant to combat water shortages.
3. eserts cover about one fifth of the earth's land surface. There are actually four major types of desert. The deserts known as the hot and dry deserts are found close to the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. They are much different from the cold deserts like the ones found in the arctic regions of the world. The semiarid deserts and the coastal deserts are scattered all around the globe. But just what is a desert? There seems to be a wide range of definitions and guidelines the world over as to what is classified as a desert and which type of desert an area fits into. Generally speaking, a desert is any area that receives minimal rainfall, less than 12 inches per year. Let's explore these four types of deserts.
4.Plants store food for lots of different reasons. Stored food helps them to survive,grow and reproduce. We are lucky that they do so because if they didn't do so everything living would die . The reason for this is that the main food resource for later use. Storing the food helps them to use it in winter and survive because there is very little sunlight available and so they photosynthesis less. For example, carrots store food in its roots and live on it all winter and in summers a new plant grows from these roots.
Espero que te ayude