• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: darwin2411anloba
  • hace 9 años

me pueden ayudar con 10 oraciones con will y 10 de won't inventada porfa ​


Respuesta dada por: Applee

I will be home by ten.

You will finish school at 3 pm

He will pass the test if he studies.

She will start singing when you give her the sign

We will meet you there

It will rain tomorrow

They will run the marathon

I will teach you how to dance if you pay me

You will be punished for what you did

He will get really upset about this news.

I won’t go to school tomorrow

You won’t make a difference

He won’t say anything

She won’t argue with him

They won’t loose weight

We won’t make it

It won’t happen

I won’t hurt him

You won’t marry him

They won’t escape

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