• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: ferzarate
  • hace 8 años

*10 oraciones con while en ingles* plis para ahora URGE....


Respuesta dada por: Azul123456789

1- I love the mountains while my husband prefers the sea.

    -Me encantan las montañas mientras que mi marido prefiere el mar.

2- They returned to camp to rest for a while.

     -Regresaron al campamento para descansar un rato.

3- While he is a good match, her parents do not like him.

     - Aunque él es un buen partido, a sus padres no les gusta.

4- The poet always keeps his thesaurus close by while writing his poems.

      -El poeta siempre guarda su tesoro cerca mientras escribe sus poemas.

5- An error occurred while reading the document.

       -Se produjo un error al leer el documento.

6- If you press the button while the radio is off, it turns on automatically.

        -Si pulsas el botón cuando la radio está apagada, se enciende automáticamente.

7- The instructor scolded him for his rash attitude while driving.

          -La profesora lo regañó por su actitud temerario al conducir.

8- My son loves the feel of warm water while taking a bath.

           -A mi hijo le encanta la sensación del agua caliente cuando se baña.

9- While doing research in France, she discovered Toulouse-Lautrec's secret journal.

            -Mientras hacía investigaciones en Francia, descubrió el diario confidencial de Toulouse-Lautrec.

10 -The priest should elevate the host and chalice while facing the altar.

            -El sacerdote debe alzar la hostia y el cáliz de frente al altar.

ferzarate: hay muchas gracias.
Respuesta dada por: Jp130206

1 while Nancy drove her car she had the Window open 2 the doctor lounched while telling me i was over weight 3 i passed mes York city while i was ok the bus 4 hoy buy the taco's while i buy the soda 5 you sing while i play the piano 6 while se were un class hoy were texting me 7 i was crying while you were lost 8 Frank fell sleep while se were waiting for our food 9 stay calm while i drive 10 i Will order pizza while you finish cleaning

ferzarate: grax
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