Nesecito oraciones con verbo regular y las mismas que sean convertidas a oraciones inregulares xfaaa
Think of all the things you can achieve. / Piensa en todas las cosas que puedes lograr.
Lots of people admire / Muchas personas lo admiran.
After many discussions, they finally agreed. / Luego de muchas discusiones, finalmente llegaron a un acuerdo.
The family arrived safely to their home. / La familia llegó a salvo a su casa.
Children always ask / Los niños siempre hacen preguntas.
He didn’t believe the story. / Él no creyó la historia.
We are ready to board the plane. / Estamos listos para abordar el avión.
He calls his grandmother every Sunday. / Llama a su abuela cada domingo.
We can clean the house in a few hours. / Podemos limpiar la casa en una pocas horas.
Please close the door. / Por favor cierre la puerta.
1- "Build" is an irregular verb.
- I built a house .
==> "Destroy" is a regular verb .
- I destroied a house.
2- "leave" is an irregular verb
- I left the house Three hours ago.
==> " Stay" is a regular verb.
- I stayed at home..
3- I saw a man around .
==> I noticed no man around.
4- I caught a bird.
==> I released a bird.
5- I didn't talk with him.
==> I talked with him.
I hope that's the answer you are looking for. Best luck