• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: hijo1264
  • hace 8 años

ayudemen........... gracias​



Respuesta dada por: mariamaribelmarcos

1. Paul always watches horror movies.

2. Sometimes Paula and Paulo walk to school.

3. I normally make homemade spaghetti for my kids.

4. We never volunteer st the hospital on weekends.

5. I frequently drive to the local supermarket.

6. Mr. Browns hardly ever sends his wife flowers.

7. Our parents never travel to Orlando by plane.

8. Mike is always sick with a toothache.

9. Sometimes this driver fills up his gas with unleaded fuel.

10. Sara rarely reads romance novels.

11. Dad is often late for work.

12. Tier car generally needs servicing.

13. Our internet service seldom is off.

14. Boys are usually smarter than girls.

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