Hola será que alguien me puede hacer el favor de decirme 2 oraciones de cada uno de los planetas en inglés.
1. pluto stopped being considerate a planet
2. mercury is the planet closest to the sun
3. mercury is the smallest planet
4. venus is the second planet closest to the sun
5. venus looks like the earth, booth in mass and in terrestrial and rocky composition
6. the earth was formed 4600 millions years ago
7. the earth is the planet that has more water
8. mars has a gravity 40 percent less than earth
9. mars is the second smallest planet after mercury
10. jupiter is the planet with the largest celestial body
11. jupiter has a size 1300 greater than the earth
12. saturn. galileo saw it for the first time in 1610
13. saturn is made up of 96 percent hydrogen and 3 percent ice
14. uranus was the first discovered by a telescope
15. uranus has a temperature of -224 degrees celsius
16. neptune was discovered two centuries ago
17. neptune is composed of molten rock, water, methane, ice and liquid ammonia