• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: luisshurtadoo15
  • hace 8 años

hola pueden ayudarme con estos ejercicios de ingles en positivo,pregunta y negativa es simple presente
1 I usually.........................(go) to school.
2They.......................(visit) us often.
3You..................(play) basketball once a week.
4Tom...................(work) every day.
5He always....................(tell) us funny stories.
6She never................... (help) me with that!
7Martha and kevin......................(swim) twice a week.
8In this club people usually...................(dance) a lot.
9Linda....................(take care) of her sister.
10John reraly...................(leave) the country.


Respuesta dada por: AxelMansel
1- I usually go todo schoo
l never go yo school
Do you go yo school?

2- They are visiting us often
They aren't visiting us often
Are They visiting us often?

3- You are play basketball once a week
You aren't playing basketball once a week
Are you playing basketball once a week?

4- Tom is working every day
Tom isn't working every day
Is Tom working every day?

5- He always tell us funny histories
He never tell us funny histories
Is he telling us funny histories?

6- She never help me with That
She always help me with That
Is she helping me with that?

7- Marta and Kevin are swimming twice a week.
Marta and Kevin aren't swimming twice a week
Are Marta and Kevin swimming twice a week?

8- In this club people usually dance a lot.
In this club people never dance a lot
In this club the people dance a lot?

9-Linda takes care of her sister.
Linda doesn't take care of her sister.
Is Linda taking care of her sister?

10- John rarely leaves the country.
John never leaves the country
John leaves the country?

luisshurtadoo15: como se hace en negativa y pregunta plis
AxelMansel: siento haberme olvidado de eso
luisshurtadoo15: porfa ayuden
AxelMansel: ya esta ya lo he cambiado con todas las respuestas
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