• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: koko87
  • hace 8 años

completar 5 ejemplo de cada tiempo de tagquestion​


Respuesta dada por: camiconya2

You’re from Madrid, aren’t you?

He doesn’t speak French, does he?

He should read this book, shouldn’t he?

He was the best in the class, wasn’t he?

Your sister is in Buenos Aires, isn’t she?

Open the door, will you?

They didn’t go to class last week, did they?

They bought a new car, didn’t they?

She is going to marry soon, isn´t she?

You aren’t sure about this point, are you?

Let’s play football tomorrow morning, shall we?

At last he could find a job, couldn’t he?

Jeff was not his teacher, was he?

Penguins can’t fly, can they?

He will come, won’t he?

Don’t go to miss the lesson, will you?

He doesn’t swim, does he?

You aren’t Brazilian, are you?

He just wants to play, doesn’t he?

Your friends wanted to go to the concert, didn’t they?


camiconya2: te sirvio
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