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El fútbol es un deporte en equipo jugado entre dos conjuntos de once jugadores y un director técnico por equipo, y cuatro árbitros, que son.
El árbitro principal, dos asistentes y el cuarto árbitro, que se aseguran de que las reglas se sigan correctamente. Cada equipo puede hacer un máximo de tres cambios.
El objetivo del juego es desplazar un balón con cualquier parte del cuerpo que no sean los brazos o las manos, normalmente se hace con los pies a través del campo para intentar introducirlo en la meta del adversario, acción que se llama marcar un gol. El equipo que logra más goles al finalizar el partido, de una duración de noventa minutos más la extensión es el ganador del partido.
Cada equipo está compuesto por un guardameta, cuatro defensas que serían. Dos defensas laterales, dos defensas centrales, dos volantes defensivos, dos volantes ofensivos, un centrocampista y un delantero. Pero eso depende del esquema de juego de cada equipo. En esta ocasión sería un esquema de juego que sería un cuatro, cuatro, uno, uno,
El juego moderno fue creado en Inglaterra después de la formación de la Asociación de Fútbol, cuyas reglas de 1863 son la base del deporte actual.
The football is a sport in team played between two sets of eleven players and a technical director for team, and four umpire, which are.
The main, two assistant, and the fourth umpire. Who make sure that the rules are correctly followed. Every team can do a maximum of three change.
the objective of the game is displace a ball with any part of the body that is not arms or hands, usually is done with the feet across the field for try to introduce it into the opponent's goal, action that is called scoring a goal. The team that achieves more goals on having finished the match, of a duration of ninety minutes more the extension is the winner of the match.
Every team is compound for a goalkeeper, four defenses that would be. Two lateral, two central defenses, two defensive flyers, two offensive flyers, a midfielder and a forward. But that depends on the game scheme of every team. On this occasion it would be a game scheme that would be a four, four, one, one.
The modern game was created in England after the formation of Football Association whose rules of 1863 are the bases of sport today.
The football is a sport in team played between two sets of eleven players and a technical director for team, and four umpire, which are:
The main, two assistant, and the fourth umpire, who makes sure that the rules are correctly followed. Every team can do a maximum of three change.
The objective of the game is displace a ball with any part of the body that isn't arms or hands, usually is done with the feet across the field for try to introduce it into the opponent's goal, action that is called scoring a goal. The team that achieves more goals on having finished the match, of a duration of ninety minutes plus the extension, is the winner of the match.
Every team is compound for a goalkeeper, four defenses that would be: two lateral, two central defenses, two defensive flyers, two offensive flyers, a midfielder and a forward. But that depends on the game scheme of every team. On this occasion it would be a game scheme that would be a four, four, one, one.
The modern game was created in England after the formation of Football Association, whose rules of 1863 are the bases of sport today.
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