Respuesta dada por:
se despierta
he/ she wakes up
se levanta
he/ she gets up
se ducha
he/ she takes a bath
se viste
he/ she gets dress
se peina
he/ she combs his/her hair
he/ she eats breakfast
prepara su mochila
he/ she prepares his/her backpack
coge el bus
he/ she takes the bus
va al colegio
he/ she goes to school
estudia matematicas
he/ she studies mathematics
juega con sus amigos
he/ she plays with his/ her friends
habla con sus amigos
he/ she talks with friends
he/ she eats lunch
vuelve a casa
he/ she goes back home
cena con la familia
have diner with the family
hace tareas
he/ she does homework
se lava
he/she is cleansing
ve la television
he/ she watches television
se acuesta
he/ she goes to bed
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