• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: emmanuel5686
  • hace 8 años

Fill in the blanks with can, could may or might

1_______ you jump over the hurdle?
2. We ran as fast as we _________
3. Some people ________ speak three language
4. Jean________ dance quite well
5. The man is shouting. He_________ need help
6. if you hurry you______ catch the train
7. Dave doesn't look well. He ______ have a fever
8. Tye baby is crying. She________ be hungry
9._________ I borrow your bike?
10. I don't know where Jane is. You______ find her in the library
11.______ you drive?
12. Who________ answer the question?
13._______ you show me the way to the zoo?
14. He_______ play the piano


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo

1. Can

2. Could

3. Can

4. Can

5. Might

6. May

7. Might

8. Might

9. May

10. Can

11. Can

12. Can

13. Could

14. Can

emmanuel5686: Thenk for you
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