• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: maripauss84
  • hace 8 años

puedes encontrar el error y corregirlo:

1 juliana has design a new app.
2 we has bought a new computer game.
3 they has went to a conference.
4 she not have wrritten an article before.
5 you have not give me your number.
6 they not have done this job before


Respuesta dada por: hjnathalia

bueno en la 1 el error es el verbo "desing", es un tiempo o tense erróneo

seria juliana has designed a new app

en la 2 es we have bought a new computer game

en la 3 they have went to a conference

en la 4 she has not write an article before creo

en la 5 You have not given me your number

y en la 6 they have not done this job before

recuerda que has es para she, he y it

y have para i ,you ,they y we

otro error es la forma de acomodar not y have, depede de la regla

suerte en eso

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