• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: rico1
  • hace 9 años

numeros del 1100 al 1200 en ingles


Respuesta dada por: ivannaelvira
1101 one thousand one houndred and one. 
1102 one thousand one houndred and two
1103 one thousand one houndred and three 
1104 one thousand one houndred and four 
1105 one thousand one houndred and five 
1106 one thousand one houndred and six
1107 one thousand one houndred and seven
1108 one thousand one houndred and eight 
1109 one thousand one houndred and nine 
1110 one thousand one houndred and ten 
1111 one thousand one houndred and eleven 
1112 one thousand one houndred and twelve 
1113 one thousand one houndred and therteen 
1114 one thousand one houndred and forteen 
1115 one thousand one houndred and fiveteen 
1116 one thousand one houndred and sixteen 
1117 one thousand one houndred and seventeen 
1118 one thousand one houndred and eighteen
1119 one thousand one houndred and nineteen 
1120 one thousand one houndred and twenty 
1121 one thousand one houndred and twenty one
1122 one thousand one houndred and twenty two 
1123 one thousand one houndred and twenty three
1124 one thousand one houndred and twenty four
1125 one thousand one houndred and twenty five 
1126 one thousand one houndred and twenty six
1127 one thousand one houndred and twenty seven
1128 one thousand one houndred and twenty eight 
1129 one thousand one houndred and twenty nine
1130 one thousand one houndred  and thirty
1131 one thousand one houndred and thirty one
1132 one thousand one houndred and thirty two 
1133 one thousand one houndred and thirty three
1134 one thousand one houndred and thirty four 
1135 one thousand one houndred and thirty five 
1136 one thousand one houndred and thirty six
1137 one thousand one houndred and thirty seven 

ivannaelvira: 1138
ivannaelvira: 1138 one thousand one houndred and thirty eight
ivannaelvira: si quieres mas numeros me lo dices
Respuesta dada por: katerinnicolrodrigue


números del 1100 al 1200 en inglés

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