• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: vanemorales3002
  • hace 9 años

10 oraciones con Was y 10 con Were sobre lo que hacemos en la casa
Por favor urgue (es para mañana y no se me ocurre nada)


Respuesta dada por: maria1979


I was a good student. (Yo era un buen estudiante).

We were old friends. (Nosotros éramos viejos amigos).

He was a student. (Él era un estudiante).

The pencil was on the desk. (El lápiz estaba sobre el escritorio).

She was absent from class yesterday. (Ella no estaba en clase ayer).

The sky was clear. (El cielo estaba limpio).

The child was in the garden. (El niño estaba en el jardín).

It was a pleasant day. (Fue un día placentero)

She was sick yesterday. (Ella estaba enferma ayer).

He was a businessman. (Él era un hombre de negocios).


We were wrong, I know (Estábamos equivocados, lo sé).

They were so happy in that city (Eran tan felices en esa ciudad).

Yesterday, they were at the club playing football (Ayer estaban en el club jugando al fútbol).

We were so tired that we decided to stay at home (Estábamos tan cansados que decidimos quedarnos en casa).

They were mean. (Ellos eran groseros).

We were hungry. (Nosotros teníamos hambre).

You were much younger. (Tú eras mucho más joven)

You were about to sleep. (Estabas a punto de dormir).

You were not very serious. (Tú no eras muy serio).

Were they here yesterday? (¿Ellos estaban aquí ayer?)

Were they good friends for many years? (¿Ellos eran buenos amigos por muchos años?)

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