• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: kidscrazy2016
  • hace 9 años

Ayudenme con esto porfa la instrucción es poner el verbo en forma correcta ya sea presente simple o continuo es para ahorita les agredeceria mucho si me ayudan


Anónimo: Espero te ayude.


Respuesta dada por: georgianaomg
1- dont talk so laudly. Im not talking too laudly.
2- he knows all about the film
3- jane is talking to a friend at the moment
4- he doesnt work on sundays
5- Margaret loves music and dancing
6- the dog is sleeping under the table at the moment
7- he doesnt like this job
8- i think she is very pretty
9- i always go to bed very early
10- how often a Day do you eat ice cream?

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