un dialogo de ingles de 5 personas en un rencuentro de promocion en una fiesta (todos hombres) y largo


Respuesta dada por: kikiszak

At a party sponsored by a famous school and a very famous company:

Jorge: Mario?

Mario: Jorge? Jorge, how long!

Jorge: What a coincidence! What are you doing here? Are you living here?

mario: Well ..., more or less, I'm doing a secretarial course, I started two months ago, my intention is to finish it and look for work to stay to live around here. Well ... what are you doing around here?

Jorge: I moved 6 years ago to work as an engineer after finishing college. It so happened that they were looking for someone of my profile and I did not think twice to come here. What I do find strange is that we have been able to meet after so many years without seeing each other.

Mario: Ufff, right, since high school. That's it ... 16 years ago, but I had not heard from you again. When the whole group of friends began higher studies we lost contact little by little and finally the years passed without knowing anything about each other. With how close we were in the last years of high school ... Do you remember how well we spent the weekends?

Jorge: Ha ha, as I will not remember, they were the best years, without worries and living life to the fullest. What great memories! I only have contact with Roy since his brother got married to my cousin and we never got to lose communication. You know ... he has two children! A boy and a girl.

Mario: Do ​​not tell me! Good, I'm very happy for her. He adored children.

Jorge: Yes, I always dreamed about your wedding day and having a family. Well ... you got to marry Ali?

mario: No, she moved to Mexico, but I decided to stay in Spain.

Jorge: Wow, I'm sorry mario, I have to go to work, otherwise I'll be late. Why do not you give me your phone number and we have another day to continue the conversation?

mario: Yes, great. Wait until I write it down on a piece of paper ... .umm. Here you have .. I hope to see you again soon.

Jorge: Me too. I'm very glad to have seen you. See you later mario.

mario: See you later Jorge, have a good day.

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