• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: javierrodriguez987
  • hace 9 años

UNA HISTORIA en ingles con todos los verbos modales


Respuesta dada por: alaitanaulloa

Once upon a time there was a man who could convert in anything that he wanted.One day a lion saw this man and he was surprised to see him because this man can convert his body into anything.  

The lion decided that he will ask this man which is his secret,the next day he went to this man and asked him how can he convert in anything?The man said that he can't reveal his secret,the lion got very angry because he wanted to know his secret.Now the lion decided that he would say to that man that he can't convert into a rabbit.And when the man would convert into a rabbit the lion will eat that rabbit.  

he next day he went to the converter man and told him that he couldn't covert into a rabbit,when the man heard this he got very angry and told him that he can convert in anything he want.After few minuts the man converted into a rabbit and the lion ate the rabbit.  

The End

Respuesta dada por: alexblonky17


Los modal verbs son verbos auxiliares que no pueden ser usados como verbos principales. Estos verbos expresan modalidad, habilidad, posibilidad, necesidad y se utilizan para hacer referencias a eventos en el futuro y como condicional. Se utilizan seguidos de un verbo en forma de infinitivo sin el “to”.

Lo verbos modales son: can, could, may, might, will, shall, should, ought to, must, have to y would.

A continuación una breve historia usando los modal verbs:

When I started to study at the university, I said to myself that I could graduate in the indicated time. But I was wrong, because I ignored that we might have some events that would delay our studies. However, despite the difficulties, I enjoyed all the time I spent here because I gained so much more than I lost. When I had bad moments, I always thought: “I will overcome this because God will not disappoint me”. When I stumbled over the same stone twice I said to myself: “You ought to know how to deal with this”. But in conclusion, I just tell to everyone who is going to start this new chapter of his life, you must compromise to yourself because you think you cannot do it, but you can stick to discipline and you have to be very responsible.

Espero te sirva :)

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