• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: juanesdu206
  • hace 8 años

1. Answer the questions using RELATIVE PRONOUNS:

Who did she give the money to? (man/ wait at the door)

Where did he take her? (restaurant/ serve chinese food)

What kind of students are mostly successful?

What kind of people do you like?

What kind of people don´t you like?

Where did she live when she was a child? (big house/ room for everyone)

Who is a postman?

What is a knife?

What is a firefighter?

What is a lorry?


Respuesta dada por: Anónimo


Relative pronouns in English are words  that talk about other nouns in the sentence. They help us add more information about that thing or person. It is like a little link between the parts of the sentence. If we want to say "I have a cat" and "the cat is brown", we can use "that" to do it;it becomes our linking word. "I have a cat that is brown. Now, the two parts are connected!

Some examples of relative pronouns are: that, which, whomever, whatever, whichever, who, whom, and whose.

Por. ej., The dinner that we ate was yummy. that is a relative pronoun because it tells us about dinner--it links 'the dinner' and 'we ate..'.

Para tu tarea, podemos utilizar algunos de estos pronombres:

1.She gave the money to the man that/who is waiting at the door.

2.He took her to the restaurant that serves Chinese food.

3.Those that study hard are mostly successful.

9.A firefighter is a person who fights fires.

10. A lorry is a vehicle that is large and has four wheels.

Espero haberte ayudado un poco. Saludos!

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