• Asignatura: Inglés
  • Autor: jemm2002
  • hace 8 años

por favor lo necesito rapido doy 35 puntos



Respuesta dada por: DylanEIintelectual

Match Column A with a picture in Column B and complete the sentences.

2. People meet around manger scenes and sing. - E. Jingle Bells Song

3. Christmas trees are decorated with - A. Christmas lights.

4. The traditional Christmas meal in England in the USA and England is - B. Roast Chicken.

5. Traditional symbols of life and - D. Trees in nature.

Answer the following questions with complete answers.

a. Which is your favourite holiday? - My favourite holiday is Christmas because I celebrate Jesus' birth and we all get some awesome presents.

b. How do you celebrate it? - My family is not only Catholic but  united, so we celebrate by eating Roast Chicken for Christmas dinner.


Dear Rita:

Merry Christmas! How are you? Christmas was great! The  24th, we sang   christmas carols and I met some nice friends. The Christmas tree was beautiful because I decorated it with new lights and ornaments. Next day, the 25th we opened our gifts and I got that sweater that I told you I wanted so much, and great books too. We all sat by the Christmas tree, and in the afternoon, we ate a delicious cake. And you? Did you go to the party you told me about?  Who did you invite? Please, tell me about it!

Past Participle Crossword


  1. order- ordered - ordered
  2. sing- sang- sang
  3. make- made- made
  4. put- put- put
  5. understand- understood- understood
  6. know- knew- known
  7. hold- held- held


  1. use- used- used
  2. buy- bought
  3. take- took- taken
  4. forgive- forgave- forgiven
  5. drink- drank- drank
  6. send- sent- sent
  7. break- broke - broken
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